Entering the Protection of Non-Muslims and its Ramifications According to Islamic Law
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28 أيار 2020 | 364 |
Entering the Protection of Non-Muslims and its Ramifications According to Islamic Law
التصنيف: Books in English
المؤلف: Abd al-Haqq Turkmani
عدد الأجزاء:1
الناشر: Centre for Studies in the Interpretation of Islam
سنة النشر: 2018
رقم الطبعة: 1
نبذة عن الكتاب
الدخول في أمان غير المسلمين وآثاره في الفقه الإسلامي
Foreword by Aʿ bd al-Muḥsin al-Turkī 9
Foreword by Aḥmad al-Murābiṭ al-Shinqīṭī 13
Foreword Aʿ bd Allāh Shākir al-Junaidī 15
Entering the Protection of Non-Muslims
Introduction 19
Definitions 35
Al-Amān in the Arabic Language 35
Al-Amān as a Technical Term 36
Technical Terms that are Connected to this Research 37
The Legitimacy of Muslims Granting Combatant Non-Muslims Protection, and the Obligation of Fulfilling Pledges and Contracts 41
The Permissibility of Receiving a Promise of Protection from Non-Muslims for a Compelling Need 49
The Prophet under the Protection of Polytheists 49
Al-Ṣiddīq under the Protection of a Polytheist 50
A Group of Early Believers under the Protection of a Polytheistic Nation
The Foremost Believers who Took Refuge En Masse in a Just Non-Muslim Country 53
Context of the Story of the Migration to Abyssinia 54
The Ḥadīth of Umm Salamah About the Migration to Abyssinia 56
Rulings and Benefits Derived From This Story 63
How a Protection Contract is Concluded and Established 69
The Legislative Foundation for the Issues Discussed in this Book 73
1. Dār al-Islām 74
2. Dār al-Kufr 75
3. Dār al-Ḥarb 75
Origin of This Classification and the Connection it has to Current Affairs 75
How the Laws Established in This Book are Applied in the Modern World 83
Ramifications of Muslims Coming Under the Protection of Non-Muslims
Preface 87
First Ramification 93
Second Ramification 107
Third Ramification 119
Examining the Opinion of the Ḥanafī Madhab that Permits Usury
and Other Unlawful Dealings when Living in Dār al-Ḥarb 124
Refuting the Opinion of the Ḥanafiyyah 133
Fourth Ramification 141
Fifth Ramification 145
Sixth Ramification 147
Seventh Ramification 157
Eighth Ramification 161
Ninth Ramification 167
Examples of Outward Conformity With Non-Muslims:
i) Accepting Gifts From Non-Muslims During Their Holidays 175
ii) Men Wearing a Head Covering 177
iii) Men Wearing Trousers and Jackets and Other Items of Clothing
Which Fulfil the Sharia Conditions of Covering the Aʿ wrah 179
Tenth Ramification 183
Final Words 191
Conclusions 191
Recommendations 193