موقع الشيخ عبد الحق التركماني - Abd al-Haqq Turkmani - CV

/ 27 تشرين الأول 2024

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Abd al-Haqq Turkmani - CV

Abd al-Haqq Turkmani - CV

Abd al-Haqq Turkmani - CV

Biography of Shaikh ʿAbd al-Haqq ibn Mullā Haqqī ibn ʿAli At-Turkmānī Al-ʿIraqī

Shaikh ʿAbd al-Ḥaq was born in Kirkuk – Iraq, on Monday 8th December 1969 / 29th Ramadan 1389.

His father – Mullā Ḥaqqī ibn ʿAli At-Turkmānī (may Allah have mercy on him) –, was a well-known Imām and Khatīb in Kirkuk.

Shaikh ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq chose to study the Islamic sciences in his secondary education, and then went onto study in the faculty of Sharīʿah at the University of Baghdad. However, he was not able to complete his studies due to the circumstances in Iraq at the time, and due to his suffering from Haemophilia A.

The Shaikh then continued his Islamic education the traditional way by sitting in the lessons of scholars.

He took the Sciences of Fiqh and Uṣul from Ash-Shaikh Muḥammad Amīn āl-Zankanah (d.1997).

The Shaikh’s first encounter with the sciences of Hadith was in 1986, when he made contact with Ash-Shaikh Al-Muḥaddith Ḥamdī ibn ʿAbdul Majīd As-Salafī Al-Kurdī (d.2012), and Ash-Shaikh Al-Muḥaddith Ṣubḥī ibn Jāsim Al-Badrī As-Samurrāʾī Al-Baghdādī (d.2013), with whom he studied with at the faculty of Sharīʿah, and also at his home and at Jamʿiyyat Al-Ādāb Al-Islāmiyyah.

The Shaikh greatly benefitted from these two teachers by discussing and revising his knowledge with them. They also granted him access to their personal libraries, and Shaikh Samurrāʾī made copies of many of the manuscripts from his library for the Shaikh and trained him how to read and decipher them. The Shaikh remained in contact with them until they passed away, may Allah have mercy on both of them.

In the year 1995, Shaikh ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq met with Prof. Dr. Bashar ʿAwwād Mʿarūf Al-Baghdadi, and learnt from him the methods of Arabic paleography and manuscript editing, spending two years in his office in Al-ʿAẓamiyyah, assisting him in comparing and authenticating manuscripts, as well as the Takhrīj of Aḥādīth.

In 1995, the Shaikh moved from Iraq to Turkey, and then to Sweden in 1996, where he gained proficiency in the Swedish language and began Dawah activities. For thirteen years he was a Khatīb and over-saw the publication of Islamic literature in the Swedish language.

In 2011, the Shaikh moved to Britain, where he founded the ‘Centre for Studies in the Interpretation of Islam’.

In 2003, the Shaikh achieved a bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies from Jāmiʿah Salafiyyah in Islamabad, Pakistan.

In 2010, he was awarded the ‘Naif ibn ʿAbdul Aziz Aal-Saud International Award in Sunnah and Contemporary Islamic Studies’ for his research paper: ‘Interacting with non-Muslims in light of the Sunnah’.

The Shaikh is currently working on a project that aims to publish all the works of the great Andalusian scholar Ibn Ḥazm Al-Qurṭubī (d.1064CE/456AH), from which seven books have been published until now.

Besides those projects, the Shaikh has publications in ʿAqīdah, Fiqh, Ḥadīth and contemporary Islamic issues, from them is the book (translation); ‘Entering into the security of non-Muslims and its implications in Islamic law’, which has been translated into the English language.

He has taken part in numerous academic conferences in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, and other countries.

Ijazāt in Hadith:

  1. Ash-Shaikh Al-Muḥaddith ʿAbdul Ġaffār Ibn Ḥasan Ar-Raḥmānī (d.2007), one of the senior ʿUlema of Pakistan who taught at the Islamic University of Madinah for 16 years - may Allah have mercy on him -. He gave the Shaikh Ijāzah in Islamabad when he achieved his bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies from the Jāmiʿah Salafiyyah Islamabad in 2003 after he came across the publications of the Shaikh in Ḥadīth.
  2. Ash-Shaikh Al-Muḥaddith Ḥamdī ibn ʿAbdul Majīd As-Salafī Al-Kurdī (d.2012) - may Allah have mercy on him -.
  3. Ash-Shaikh Al-Muḥaddith Ṣubḥī ibn Jāsim Al-Badrī As-Samurrāʾī Al-Baghdādī (d.2013) - may Allah have mercy on him -.
  4. Ash-Shaikh Muḥammad Zuhair ibn Muṣṭafā Aḥmed Ash-Shāwīsh Al-Ḥusainī Al-Hāshimī (d.2013) - may Allah have mercy on him -.
  5. Ash-Shaikh Abu Uways Muḥammad ibn Al-Amīn Būkhubzah Al-ʿUmrānī Al-Ḥasanī Aṭ-Ṭaṭwānī Al-Maghribī (d.2020) - may Allah have mercy on him -.

Published works:

  1. Faḍl Aṣ-Ṣalāti ʿAlan-Nabī Ṣallallāhu ʿAlayhi Wa Sallam, ‘The Virtue of sending Salutations upon the prophet peace be upon him’, by Al-Imām Ismāʿīl Al-Qaḍī, study and verification, Dar Ar-Ramadi, Damam, 1417, in one volume (232 pages). PDF
  2. ‘Al-Akhlāq Was-Siyar’, by Al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm Al-Andalusī, study and verification in partnership with Dr. Efa Riyadh, Head of Semitic Languages at the University of Absela, Sweden, Dar Ibn Ḥazm, 1421, currently in its third edition, one volume (214 pages).
  3. ‘Ṭawq Al-Ḥamāmah Wa Ẓil Al-Ġamāmah’, by Al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm Al-Andalusī, study and verification, Dar Ibn Ḥazm, 1434, one volume (500 pages).
  4. ‘At-Talkhīṣ Li-Wujūh At-Takhleeṣ’, by Al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm Al-Andalusī, study and verification, Dar Ibn Ḥazm, Beirut, 1423, one volume (204 pages). PDF
  5. ‘At-Taqrīb Li-Ḥadd Al-Manṭiq Wal-Madkhal Ilayhī Bil-Alfāẓ Al-ʿĀmmiyyah Wal-Amthilah Al-Fiqhiyyah’, by Al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm Al-Andalusī, verification, revision, study and forward by Al-ʿAllāmah Abū ʿAbdurraḥmān Ibn ʿAqīl Aẓ-Ẓāhirī, Dar Ibn Ḥazm, Beirut, 1428, one volume (700 pages). PDF
  6. ‘Ḥajjatul Wadāʿ’, by Al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm Al-Andalusī, study and verification, Dar Ibn Ḥazm, Beirut, 1429, 888 pages. PDF
  7. ‘Ad-Durrah Fī Mā Yajibu ʿItiqāduhu’, by Al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm Al-Andalusī, study and verification, Dar Ibn Ḥazm, Beirut, 1428, 700 pages. PDF
  8. ‘Al-Uṣūl Wal-Furūʿ’, by Al-Imām Ibn Ḥazm Al-Andalusī, study and verification, Dar Ibn Ḥazm, Beirut, 1432, 400 pages. PDF
  9. ‘At-Taʿāmul Maʿ Ġayr il-Muslimīn Fī As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah’, Interacting with non-Muslims in light of the Sunnah, academic research paper, awarded the ‘Naif ibn ʿAbdul Aziz Aal-Saud International Award in Sunnah and Contemporary Islamic Studies’ for the year 1430.
  10. ‘Hal Atāk Naba-ul Dustūr?’, Dar As-Sunnah Publications and Distribution, Riyadh, 1432. PDF
  11. ‘Ad-Dukhūl Fī Amān Ġayr Al-Muslimīn Wa-Āthāruhu Fī Al-Fiqh Al-Islāmī’, Entering into the protection of non-Muslims and it’s ramifications in Islamic Law’, part of the ‘Call of Truth’ series (no.250) by The Muslim World League, Makkah, 1433 and 2nd edition by Dar Al-Bishaar, Beirut, 1438. PDF Arabic / PDF English
  12. ‘Al-Lumaʿ Fī Al-Ḥawādith Wal-Bidaʿ’, by Idrīs ibn Baydkīn At-Turkmānī, study and forward, Dar Ibn Ḥazm, Beirut, 1434, one volume (1000 pages). PDF
  13. ‘At-Tafsīr As-Siyāsī Lid-Dīn’, Waḥīd Ud-Dīn Khān and ‘At-Tafsīr As-Siyāsī Lil-Islām’, Abu Al-Ḥasan Nadawī, study and commentary, Centre for Studies in the Interpretation of Islam, Great Britain, 1435, 360 pages. PDF
  14. ‘Maʿnā Lā Ilāha Illallāh’, Shaikh ʿUmar Ibn Aḥmed Al-Milībārī, forward and commentary, Centre for Studies in the Interpretation of Islam, Great Britain, 2016. PDF
  15. ‘Muqaddimah Fī Tafsīr Al-Islām’, Centre for Studies in the Interpretation of Islam, Great Britain, 1st edition: 2016, 2nd edition: 2018, 280 pages. PDF
  16. ‘Dʿawat Jamāʿat Qaḍī Zādah Al-Iṣlāḥiyyah Fī Ad-Dawla Al-ʿUthmāniyyah Qabl Ẓuhūr Dʿawat Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdil Wahhāb Wa Qiyām Ad-Dawlah As-Saʿudiyyah’, by Muhammad Dawud Kawri, revision and forward, Dar Al-Lu’lua, Beirut, 2017, 164 pages. PDF
  17. ‘At-Tafsīr As-Siyāsī Lid-Dīn Fī Fikr Muḥammad Shuḥrūr’, Centre for Studies in the Interpretation of Islam, Great Britain, 2020, 165 pages. PDF