موقع الشيخ عبد الحق التركماني - Clarification of Isha Salah timings during the Summer

/ 9 أذار 2025

للتواصل 00447432020200

Clarification of Isha Salah timings during the Summer

27 أيار 2024

السؤال :


The masjid in our area pray the 'Isha salāh at 10:30pm i.e. 1 hour and 30 minutes after sunset, whilst other masājid pray at a much later time. Can you explain when the time of 'Isha begins and whether the salāh of the person who prays 1 hour and 30 minutes after sunset is valid?

الجواب :



All praise is due to Allah.


It is well known amongst many, that in countries located in the northern hemisphere at 48 degrees latitude or more, observing the sign which determines the beginning time of the 'Isha salāh becomes very difficult. This sign is the disappearance of the red twilight in the sky. This issue of not being able to observe the disappearance of the red twilight persists in the summer months, from the end of May up until the beginning of August. It is either the case that the red twilight does not disappear or it is very difficult to precisely determine its disappearance. So what do we do in such circumstances?


To begin with, the scholars have differed greatly on this issue.
Some scholars hold the opinion that we should follow countries that can observe night and day with clarity such as Makkah, where the beginning time of 'Isha is roughly 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes after sunset. These scholars will then project this onto the countries we live in, due to not being able to observe the disappearance of the red twilight in the summer months, and will determine that 'Isha begins 1 hour and 30 minutes after sunset for example.

Other scholars will choose to follow calculations based on astronomy, the most well-known and reliable of which is ISNA (Islamic Society of North America). Based on the calculations this organisation uses, the beginning time of 'Isha salāh will be delayed 2 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes after sunset. This is irrespective of whether we can observe and distinguish the disappearance of the red twilight or not.


Another option held by scholars is to calculate the beginning time of 'Isha based on the timings of the nearest country that can observe the disappearance of the red twilight. 


The points mentioned above are all ijtihādāt (attempts to reach the correct conclusion) and so if one decides to pray the 'Isha salāh 1 hour and 30 minutes after sunset or even later than that, there is no problem with this and their salāh is valid.


One last point to mention is that some scholars also say it is permissible to combine between Maghrib and 'Isha due to the sign of 'Isha entering not being present in the summer months. It is permissible for Muslims to take this fatwa to relieve themselves of any hardship during these months. This is because a person will have to wake up early for fajr and then also wake up early for work in the morning. In such a case, one may combine Maghrib and 'Isha, go to sleep and thereafter wake up for the Fajr salāh. So he prays Maghrib and follows it up with 'Isha immediately and wakes up for Fajr later on. However, it must be noted that it is not permissible to impose this opinion on the general masses in the masājid and to make them combine between the Maghrib and 'Isha salāh, since there are different opinions on this issue and there are many Muslims who do not find any hardship in praying the 'Isha salāh at a later time and thereafter waking up for Fajr.


So as you can see, the matter is broad and these are all ijtihādāt and if you pray in [any] masjid then your salaah is valid in shā Allah. 


And all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the 'Ālamīn.


Transcript of Sheikh Abd al-Haqq Turkmāni's answer

27 May 2024 | 19 Dhul-Qa'dah 1445